Non Profit Strategic Planning

Getting your organisation prepared for your non profit strategic planning or are you refreshing your existing strategic plan?

The Non Profit Training facilitating team can help guide your organisation from the initial planning and information gathering stages and Board workshop, through to the development of your final strategic plan and it’s phasing. Further, we can assist with how it can be reported against, so it is user friendly and a living document used by the Board, staff and volunteers to monitor progress.

Over time, organisations change, as do their communities, so the non profit strategic planning process is a time to reflect as an organisation, where you have come from, where you want to go in the future and how you are going to get there.

We take pride in getting to know our clients, their businesses and their communities, then walking beside them as they draw up their course for the future. Our non profit strategic planning services are multifaceted and can include one (or many) of the following activities:

  • Research and environmental scan of local, regional and national data
  • Board surveys to assist with preparation for the Board workshop
  • Facilitated workshop for the Board
  • Focus groups, face-to-face meetings, interviews, teleconferences
  • Stakeholder surveys (and analysis)
  • Formulation of a draft plan with phased implementation and measures of success
  • Design and development of final strategic plan report

Non Profit Strategic Planning Process

The non profit strategic planning process should be energetic and exciting. It should involve the Board and other key stakeholders such as members and associates, to ensure your new plan serves it purpose to support your cause in the community. External factors which impact the organisation should be looked at, what affect they are having on your organisation, how are the members being affected.

A not for profit strategic plan enables a Board / Committee to provide leadership and maintain an overview of the organisation’s priorities and direction. Once developed, the Board or Committee’s role is to ensure it is a guiding document and reference for the work of the organisation. Sufficient resources should be made available to achieve the plan.

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